Musky America Magazine July 2024 Edition

The Quest For A Personal Best By Craig Sandell © 2014 As Musky anglers, we are members of a unique company of anglers. There is no doubt that we are obsessed with Musky fishing…We would have to be. We spend long hours and make significant money investments, all in pursuit of a fish that is hard to find and harder to catch. Musky fishing is the only sport I know where it is OK to fail…In fact, failure is expected. So what are we chasing when we are on the water? Is it fame or fortune or the admiration of the opposite sex? What is it that motivates us to do what we do? There are probably as many answers to this question as there are Musky anglers, but I believe that, in the final analysis, it is the quest for a personal best that motivates us. The exhilaration that comes with a Musky catch is the same whether the fish is 36 inches, 46 inches or 56 inches. The moment when the fish is safely in the net evokes a feeling that you don’t see when you watch a fishing show where anglers are fishing for bass. When we are in the throes of the culmination of a successful hunt, there is nothing else like it. In the past, many fine Musky anglers have managed to tie into some fish of memorable proportion, but the exhilaration at the time of their catch was no greater than that which each of us experiences at the time of our catches. It is only when we are not on the water that we get our obsession hijacked. Somehow Musky catches that