Musky America Magazine March 2025 Edition

get the job done? A 14 foot resort boat doesn’t have cubbies, hanging racks or any built-ins at all! We definitely have a problem here. At this point, I would like to make an assumption here. We can’t use all our baits at the same time. You know what I mean. You’re a Musky fisherman. You’re intelligent. You know that certain baits are used at certain times. You have a plan for the day. You know that fishing weed beds in the early morning is a good call on the particular lake you are on. As the day progresses if the sun is high you move to the weed line. My point is, you only need the baits that fit your plan on a given part of the day. Since you can’t take it all with you, what do you do? The best method of organizing is breaking your gear down to manageable numbers with a specific goal in mind. Let me illustrate this point. About six years ago I fished with a guy named Ben. We rented a 12 foot resort boat and went Musky fishing for about 4 hours. I lugged my big bait box into the boat along with a couple of small duffels just loaded with all my baits. I was ready for anything. Ben got into the boat with a small mini-box and two rods. I thought to myself that this guy isn’t prepared. Getting to our first spot, he opened his mini-box, and this is what I saw. 2-bucktails, 2-surface baits, 2-crank baits and 2-jerk baits. He had a light and dark color of each. I want you to know that he out fished me that day and the reason was his system was simple. He took what he needed for the amount of time and conditions he was fishing. His baits were in the water. When we got back to the landing, he opened the back of his pickup and there I saw two huge boxes crammed with Musky baits of every size, color and style. This little adventure taught me a valuable lesson.