enough to fish it clean. The spot is a large tabletop shelf that comes up out of 25’ of water and tops out at 1-4 feet depending on the water level of the Chippewa Flowage. I told John that I did not usually fish this spot because I didn’t know how to line it up with tree line points of reference. (Because of the large amount of water on the Chippewa Flowage, most knowledgeable flowage fishermen use tree line references to help them line up on the spots…especially those spots that have no visible structure.) I asked John how he lined up this spot and John said that he didn’t have tree line references…"This is the kind of spot that you just know.", John said. I asked John if there were weeds on this shelf and John confided that it was as bald as a baby’s bottom. By this time, darkness had overcome the twilight and we prepared ourselves to fish the moonless water. We donned our headlamps and readied our fishing rods. John put on a globe and I put on a Best American Topper. There was a brisk southwesterly wind and John moved the boat into the wind using the back trolling motor. It was on the second or third cast that I felt my lure abruptly stop …I set the hook and announced to John that I had a fish on. John reeled in his globe and made ready to net the fish when the time was right. The fish hit a good 20 feet from the boat and John’s firm reminders to keep the line tight and the rod tip up echoed in my head as I fought the fish to the boat.