For those of us that don’t have the luxury of having a boat that will hold everything we own, we need to keep it simple. Take what you need to fish the conditions you are faced with. We can’t use all our baits at the same time ! I have experimented this year with a new tackle management system that was quite effective for the type of fishing I do. The sytem begins with every bait you own. That’s right-everything. Keep these baits in any type of container you care to. I call this my Master Stash. For this I have been using 4 double sided old Plano boxes. I keep these in my trunk whenever I head out to my lake of choice. Now to simplify the system. I picked up a Plano upright and took out all the vertical dividers. Then I add 4Plano 3700 boxes or a similar box and a small leader box all in the upright postion and label each box. I now have 5 boxes with adequate storage for the lures I am going to use for a certain day or part of day plus enough space for the mandatory tool kit, raingear, leaders and other essentials. If conditions change, I go back to my master stash and exchange baits as needed. Everything I need for a given situation in one box that also doubles as a seat or footrest or whatever. It’s clean, neat and only one piece to carry. By the way, I’m not endorsing any particular product. Any good commercial product will serve the same purpose.If you are the type of fisherman that travels a lot and doesn’t have the luxury of