contingent upon having action...if you do not have action the price is usually less. How do I know if the guide is good? Ask other fishermen about the guide you are considering. If you hire a guide through the Resort you are staying at you are less likely to get a bum steer. Ask to see the guide's License. Check out the guide's boat before you hire him; typically, a shabby boat is an indicator of a shabby guide service. Beware the guide that toots his own horn; if he is a successful guide other people will "sing his praises". What is expected from you as a client? Your responsibilities are to be on the dock on time. You should have your gear in good working order. You should NOT be drunk. You should treat your guide like a fellow Musky angler; not like hired help. You should pay when services are rendered. (All of these things, with the exception of the payment item, are things that you should expect from your guide. ) Should I tip the guide? Some guides, like Joe Bucher, expect to get a tip. Indeed, Mr. Bucher has expressed that sentiment in print and presupposes to speak for hundreds of Musky guides on this issue (of course he fails to name any of those guides who share his sentiment). As a guide on the Chippewa Flowage, I view a tip as a reward for service above and beyond the performance for which you contracted!!! That brings us to the final question.